I thought about my first few years of running my business, I think if I had that much knowledge before, I now know how to take my business forward, etc. In fact, at that time I thought that my business is not growing at a rate I wanted it to because there was simply not enough in the market to begin with. Oh! how gullible I was that time. Nine times out of ten, you are the reason plateauing for your business-but guess what the meaning of that? It means that you have the more power to make your business grow and become more successful. So take this in your mind, there are the some possible reasons why your business isn’t growing as quickly as it could be.
1.You and Your Employees Are Under-educated
The perfect education is important to being able to properly operate and growing your business. In many businesses, the owners and employees continue their education throughout their careers to suffer current education on the best business practices for their specialty. Keep aware to yourself and your employees to fight the current situation for your business. You also think about that to payment your employees tuition fee for the best degree programs.
2. Unable to make big decisions and you don’t focus your ideas
We all delay to some extent, But delaying on some things that can be hurt your business way more than delaying on others. If you delaying some decisions that will be finally effect the future of your company, it is evident we have got ourselves a problem. You know that what’s the reality? The reality is : your big decision which you have to make for your business are not going to go far away, and in reality it can be harder with time-trust me, I would know.
As business owners, there will be your responsibility to make the decision in correct time. We just have to give the best guess which we know and hope it will be work on it. Most of business owners and stakeholder think big, and always creating the new idea. Its a good thing, but good business owners and stakeholders need to focus on those idea and need to know how to make them in real life. Focus on your ideas and find out which one is the best for you and your business.
4. You Are not Making Advertising and Marketing
It takes money to make the money. Doesn’t matter your companies are small or big. if you don’t spend money to advertising and digital marketing, your business will not touch the sky. So, if you want to make money by your business whatever your business is small or big, then you have to spend on it. It is directly connected with your business growth that how much you divide in this area. Seventy to ninety percentage of projected annual revenue is what small to medium size plague management companies should spend
5. You Lie Yourself.
When an organization do not growing or stop to growing, leaders start blaming and telling that “We don’t really want to grow any more than this.” The reality is that you are create the problem. Outgrowing leadership is common, and if it happens we should to accept it. telling lie to yourself that why your company is not growing. Look at yourself in the mirror and says, “this has outgrown my abilities and lead, but I’m going to hire someone who can help you to growing your business
6. Not Building Business Connection
As a stakeholder who made our companies from starting, we have “do it yourself” mentality, where we success because of our own hard work or fail because of it. Although this vision to helped you to get your business to where it is today, it’s likely not friendly to growing your business beyond the point its at now. Even it is set up the beneficial bond with another business, effective person, entity, you need to connect the new relationship business to unlock your path for growth otherwise wouldn’t be poss
7. You Need A Better Marketing Plan
If you do not know that where are you, or even that you are exist or not, you do not able to gain the new or more clients and sales. Target on getting your name out there. Also target on good relationship with public and customers reviews. All of these things will help you to touch in the heights of your business and spread it to in the public
8.You Don’t Have Specific Goals
If you want your business is increase, you need to augury the landscape in which they will increase and then make one of those landscape happen. If you still working without any thinking about the future, where your business will be next year, you will stand same place that you are standing now. Think and create the plan for where you want to take your business to go and how can you reach at that place. Be fixed a target deadline for goals, that should meet each month to keeps you and your employees on the track.
9. You’re Not Leading.
The growth and the leadership resemble to each other. Companies that are grow have strong leaders at rudder. If you run your business with an iron fist, then there are chances that your employees are efficient, but there is not necessarily they are effective. A leader also inspire their staff. A strong company have the less employees and more customers. Result have greater growth and profit.
10. Your Turnover Rates Are Undermining Your Success.
A customer and an employee turnover, they both are directly related with each other. Your employees are your biggest property. Although benefits and salary play the important role to keep happy your employees, but they are not to deciding factor that your employees stay in your company or not.
The reason behind leaving the company by employee is the lack of feeling valued or appreciated his work. Today’s generation are impressed by quality of life not by the money, yes money plays important role in his life but they motivated by the quality of life. Always remember to say “thank you”. It is the greatest motivator. A happy employee means a happy clients.
11. You’re not Systematized
System save your time and let you to watch and ward the different side of your business. To facilitate development, a business needs system in place that:
- Surveillance customer satisfaction levels.
- To help the screen protective employees to predict their success.
- Track clients cancel and assumption rates.
- Track leads and ending rates.
- Cultivate advertising and track its performance.
- Compare production, goals, and performance with data from previous years.
- Track weekly, monthly and production and income.